PHM Issue #5 -- The Cave of the Yeti
Issue #5 of Populated Hexes Monthly moves to the frozen north of Absalom, a thousand miles north of the Plains of Zelaia, and features an ice cave inhabited by cruel yetis. The issue also includes rules for exploring in the icy wastes, new equipment to help explorers survive, a new monster (the winter wight), the valuable alchemical substance known as spectral frost, and several new cold-themed spells.
This is an 18-page staplebound 8-1/2 x 11 book. Purchase includes the pdf, which can be downloaded via a code on the title page.
The Populated Hexes Monthly series is now available in a subscription format. For 81.95 a year you can get twelve issues of the zine in the mail. The subscription includes the pdf and shipping costs.